c.191 [b]
The concept of the chair c.191 is approached as an architectural structure. The result is a piece that exudes a unique identity thanks to its unpolished character and unusual proportions. Applying the classical combination of the basic elements
(4 legs, a backrest and a plate as a seat), the intention was to question the proportions and the interactions of these elements.
This analytical approach came from the obsession with the different dimensions of utilitarian objects in the Middle East,
especially the slightly lower chairs. We produced a ‘simple’ chair for in- and outdoor use. However, the choice of materials (aluminum for Edition A and bronze for Edition B) indicates that the chair is more a synthesis of a process than a perfectly comfortable piece of furniture, hence the fact that it’s a limited edition.
solid bronze
h 70 l 50 w 50 cm
edition: 8 p + 2 ap
Adriaan Hauwaert (1,2)
Thibeau Scarcériaux (2,4)